Monday, January 21, 2008

This Thanksgiving (U.S. holiday in November) I took this shot of a 4 inch lizard near the White Tank Mtn range outside of Surprise Arizona.
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Obama - Right for U.S. in 2008

Is it "right" to vote for Obama in 2008?
In a word, yes!

Unlike business, Government is of the people for the people and by the people. 
Those in Government were to be there for a short period and then return to the Farms or Businesses to help the Country prosper. 

To many Government officials and employees have decided that their jobs are "for life" and they alone should select their successor. This has led to the worst corruption in modern history, the biggest raid on the people's Treasury in human history, and the lowest drop for American in the status of just about everything imaginable throughout the world.

  • Hillary? Would work with the system to make the system work the way she wants it to work. 
  • Giuliani? Doesn't have a clue. If it weren't for 9-11 he'd be doing guest shots on the Gilmore Girls.
  • Huckabee? A good choice for America, but not he best choice. Anyone who puts that much emphasis on his/her religious beliefs and uses it in the campaign, has a screw loose somewhere.
  • McCain?  Love the guy. Hate the politician. It isn't the world-war 2 era, "Defense Spending" was the manta of the 1970s (USSR no longer exists John) and Iraq is and was a mistake. Sorry, you're a great guy otherwise.
  • Romney?  He is in reality what the Republicans had fear-mongered the John Kerry candidate as being "Flip flopper". 
  • Thompson? Why is it that people believe actors can do in real life what they do on TV? Can Superman really fly? Can Capt. Kirk travel back in time by going faster than warp speed? Sure, but the folks who play those characters can not do that in real life. 
  • Ron Paul? A good choice for America, but I think he's a bit too late to the party. Where was he when Bush Sr. ran for his second term or Bush Jr. his second term? 
  • Richardson? A great guy, hopefully he'll get a cabinet position in whomever is elected. 

Obama's campaign reminds me of Bobby Kennedy's. While I was a bit young to remember it, the shocking end to Bobby's run for the White House will be stuck in my mind forever. 
This candidate of 2008 is the hope for this nation to rebuild itself. We need younger as well as experienced people fixing our nation. It needs to be fixed after all, we are failing at most everything. And if you don't realize that, you're not paying attention, and if you don't believe it or simply don't want to believe it, then you have other issues to resolve.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Needs of Few

Today's Iowa Caucuses remind me how this country's culture has moved from the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (i.e., "majority rule") to the wants of a few outweigh the needs of the many.

This is what a Dictatorship really is; one person or one small group of people influencing the voter turnout. Influencing is the keyword here. Why do the people in Iowa (or New York, or Wyoming, or Illinois or wherever) get to influence the outcome of elections in New Hampshire?

It seems to me that we need to hold Primary Elections consistently throughout these United States and do so over a long (4-day) weekend. We should require employers to give people at least two of these 4 days off so they have time to go vote in person. Start voting on Friday, leaving the polls opened all weekend. On Monday at Noon Pacific time, the polls would close and then the vote counting would begin. Reporting vote totals would begin on Monday night/Tuesday morning.

Do this in all 50 states, simultaneously.

The way it runs today, reminds me of a straw market in a Third World country; you never know who has the better product and everyone is saying the other guy is worse than they are.

If we can elect a President in one day, we can have a Primary over the weekend.